Scene Items in KWin

If your background includes game development, the concept of a scene should sound familiar. A scene is a way to organize the contents of the screen using a tree, where parent nodes affect their child nodes. In a game, a scene would typically consist of elements such as lights, actors, terrain, etc.

KWin also has a scene. With this blog post, I want to provide a quick glimpse at the current scene design, and the plan how it can be improved for Wayland.

Current state

Since compositing functionality in KWin predates Wayland, the scene is relatively simple, it’s just a list of windows sorted in the stacking order. After all, on X11, a compositing window manager only needs to take window buffers and compose them into a single image.

With the introduction of Wayland support, we started hitting limitations of the current scene design. wl_surface is a quite universal thing. It can used to represent the contents of a window, or a cursor, or a drag-and-drop icon, etc.

Since the scene thinks of the screen in terms of windows, it needs to have custom code paths to cover all potential usages of the wl_surface interface. But doing that has its own problems. For example, if an application renders cursors using a graphics api such as OpenGL or Vulkan, KWin won’t be able to display such cursors because the code path that renders cursors doesn’t handle hardware accelerated client buffers.

Another limitation of the current scene is that it doesn’t allow tracking damage more efficiently per each wl_surface, which is needed to avoid repainting areas of the screen that haven’t changed and thus keep power usage low.

Introducing scene items

The root cause of our problems is that the scene thinks of the contents of the screen in terms of windows. What if we stop viewing a window as a single, indivisible object? What if we start viewing every window as something that’s made of several other items, e.g. a surface item with window contents, a server-side decoration item, and a nine-tile patch drop shadow item?

A WindowItem is composed of several other items – a ShadowItem, a DecorationItem, and a SurfaceItem

With such a design, the scene won’t be limited only to windows, for example we could start putting drag-and-drop icons in it. In addition to that, it will be possible to reuse the code that paints wl_surface objects or track damage per individual surface

Besides windows, the scene contains a drag-and-drop icon and a software cursor

Another advantage of the item-based design is that it will provide a convenient path towards migration to a scene/render graph, which is crucial for performing compositing on different threads or less painful transition to Vulkan.

Work done so far

At the end of March, an initial batch of changes to migrate to the item-based design was merged. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but even with those initial changes, you will already see some improves in the Wayland session. For example, there should less visual artifacts in applications that utilize sub-surfaces, e.g. Firefox.

The end goal of the transition to the item-based design is to have a more flexible and extensible scene. So far, the plan is to continue doing refactorings and avoid rewriting the entire compositing machinery, if possible. You can find out more about the scene redesign progress by visiting


In short, we still have some work to do to make rendering abstractions in KWin fit well all the cases that there are on Wayland. However, even with the work done so far, the results are very promising!

6 thoughts on “Scene Items in KWin”

  1. Very interesting! Thanks for your constant work to improve KWin and Plasma! Is this concept of scene-items also used in other Wayland-compositors, or is it an innovation from the KWin team?

  2. Looks good! That matches quite well the ideas I had for improving the compositor after I introduced that horrible hack of supporting sub-surfaces in WindowPixmap.

  3. Hi, that’s very interesting to read!

    > So far, the plan is to continue doing refactorings and avoid rewriting the entire compositing machinery, if possible.

    “if possible”

    What’s the downside to not rewrite the “entire compositing machinery”? In which case would you consider doing it?


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