What’s cooking in KWin? Plasma 5.25

We’re past the soft feature freeze of the next Plasma release, so it’s a good time to step back and a have look at the work that has been done in KWin during 5.25 development cycle.

Gesture improvements

Credits: Eric Edlund, Marco Martin, Xaver Xugl

A lot of focus has been put into improving gesture integration in the Wayland session. In 5.24, the desktop grid effect got support for real-time gestures. In 5.25, the support for real-time gestures has been expanded. Effects such as slide, window aperture (animates windows when transitioning to the “show desktop” mode), and overview now support animations that “follow fingers.”

The slide effect follows fingers when switching between virtual desktops using gestures

Merge of kwayland-server and kwin

Credits: me

That’s not a user-facing change, but it’s really important to KWin developers. Some history trivia. KWin used to contain Wayland glue code, eventually it was split in a separate KDE Frameworks library called KWayland. The idea was to provide reusable components that can be useful not only to KWin but also other Wayland compositors. The split is better described in https://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/10/introducing-kwayland/.

At the beginning, things were good. If you need to implement a Wayland protocol, add corresponding wrappers in KWayland and then implement the protocol in KWin. However, being KDE Frameworks started presenting problems. KDE Frameworks provides strong API and ABI compatibility guarantees, which is very compelling for consumers but it can be a major source of headache for developers. For example, if a few bad design decisions were made, you cannot simply go back and correct the mistakes, you are going to live with that until the next major version release when it’s okay to make breaking changes. That’s what happened in KWin and KWayland, we made a couple of bad design choices that fired back at us and eventually resulted in a period of technical debt.

As a way out of technical debt, we made a hard decision to split the server side out of KWayland in a separate library called KWaylandServer, which provided no API or ABI compatibility guarantees between minor releases, but some between patch releases. Most of the client APIs in KWayland were deprecated too.

The split of the server side from KWayland in a separated library was a huge relief and it massively accelerated KWin development pace, that had user-facing effects too. Plasma on Wayland session started receiving less complaints (around Plasma 5.18 – 5.20 or so) from users because we were free to change KWin and KWaylandServer the way we thought was the best.

However, KWaylandServer also started showing cracks. The first problem is that it didn’t gain a strong user base. Its the only user was KWin and there weren’t any signs of new users. The second problem is that we gradually switched to qtwaylandscanner so we ended up writing wrappers for wrappers. The third problem is that wayland protocol implementations cannot exist in vacuum and they need to communicate with other compositor components, e.g. renderer; because no such components were present in KWaylandServer, we had to add glue code that made things more complicated. Also, perhaps we tried to fix a wrong problem by providing a library with Qt friendly wrappers for libwayland. Things such as the DRM backend or the scene graph are far more challenging to implement and maybe we should put focus onto making them reusable instead of wrappers.

Regardless, a year or so ago we agreed that it’s worth bringing server-side wayland code back into KWin. In 5.25, we were finally able to do the merge. That allows us to simplify many wayland protocol implementations, fix some design issues and a few known bugs.

Present Windows and Desktop Grid effects rewritten in QML

Credits: Marco Martin

We started experimenting with implementing some fullscreen effects in QML in 5.24. In order to continue that effort, the Present Windows and Desktop Grid effects were rewritten in QML. The main advantage of QML is that we will be able to build more complex scenes without significantly sacrificing maintainability, for example blurring the desktop background only takes a couple of QML lines of code, in C++ it would be a lot more! The main focus with the rewrite was put on keeping feature parity between C++ and QML versions of Present Windows and Desktop Grid.

Desktop Grid implemented in QML
Present Windows (now called “Window View”) effect implemented in QML

Compositing improvements

Credits: Xaver Xugl, me

We continue pushing forward with our ambitious goal to make KWin utilize hardware output planes better and make it more efficient. Significant amount of work in 5.25 has been put into refactoring the DRM backend and compositing abstractions. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get everything we wanted in 5.25, but hopefully Plasma/Wayland users will start benefiting from this work in the next Plasma release, i.e. 5.26.

As a part of the scene redesign goal, we made handling of invisible windows more efficient on Wayland. For example, if an invisible window wants to be repainted for whatever reason, KWin is going to ignore that request. It’s not an issue on X11, but it was challenging to implement that behavior on Wayland the “right way.” Also, if painting code in a Wayland application is driven by frame callbacks, KWin won’t send frame callbacks anymore if the window is invisible, e.g. minimized or on a virtual desktop that is not current, thus no precious CPU or GPU resources will be wasted.

Screencasting improvements

Credits: Aleix Pol Gonzalez

KWin/Wayland got a new screencasting mode that allows capturing a rectangular region on the screen. For example, this can be useful for building screen recording tools, etc.

New blend effect

Credits: David Edmundson

The blend effect provides an eye-candy animation when switching between dark and light themes.

Fixed Aurorae decorations having “sharp” corners

Credits: Michail Vourlakos

The blur effect is applied to the region beyond top-left corner

If you use a decoration theme powered by Aurorae decoration engine, then the decoration borders may not be as round as they are supposed to be. It’s been a long standing bug caused by the blur effect and lack of enough metadata in Aurorae decoration themes

The blur effect is applied as expected in 5.25

Window management refactors

Credits: Nils Fenner

KWin used to have a strange window class hierarchy that always created confusion among new contributors.

KWin used to use the word “client” to refer to managed windows, i.e. the ones with frames, but the word “client” means a totally different thing in the Wayland world, it represents the other endpoint connected to the compositor, e.g. an application. The word “toplevel” also means different things in KWin and the xdg-shell protocol, which is used by practically all Wayland applications to create “normal” windows and popups.

Toplevel and AbstractClient classes were merged into the base Window class with a far more intuitive name. That makes the class hierarchy simpler, and hopefully removes an obstacle for new contributors.

fbdev backend was dropped

The fbdev backend was in a bit-rotten state. With the emergence of simpledrm kernel driver, we decided to drop the fbdev in favor of the DRM backend, which is actively maintained.

Closing words

5.25 is going to be the biggest release by the scale of changes within recent years, which is both great and terrifying, so it’s more than ever important that as many as possible people give us feedback about the upcoming beta. Please join us at https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_5_BetaReviewDay, which is going to be held on May 26th in https://webchat.kde.org/#/room/#plasma:kde.org, to help us to make this release smooth and amazing. 🙂

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